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WebAsyst Contact Manager

Web-based business or personal needs software to manage contact information.


"Web-based business or personal needs software to manage contact information."
runterload.de Editor: A central part of WebAsyst Contact Manager WebAsyst applications. Communications Manager product including WebAsyst kernel and every WebAsyst Contact Manager function uses. Communication Manager and Private Communication storage, business center to manage users and groups, create multiple contact lists and to share with his team provides. It is a contact center solution WebAsyst product family is ideal for many industries and different project teams collaborate effectively creates. Quick setup and easy with user-friendly instructions, this online contact management system, operational and marketing tool.
WebAsyst Contact Manager provides:
- Create a directory online address book and folders to organize them; friends, family and friends with
- Share contact information;
- Quickly customize contact entry format - add new fields as needed () SSN or even Eye Color, for example, or change / delete existing fields;
- Create user groups and individuals and groups to customize access rights for each folder;
- Create a list of people / users according to different criteria;
- Generate a member-only form with three clicks, place this form, the web site and turn visitors into subscribers.
Communication Manager can be accessed at any time from anywhere with a standard Internet browser or Windows Client. Client in a Windows environment seamlessly WebAsyst Windows has been integrated. Now you can free download WebAsyst Contact Manager 2.1.

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